2023 BRICS National Vocational Skills Competition


The 2023 BRICS National Vocational Skills Competition focuses on key areas such as high-end manufacturing, digital economy, new industries, new formats, and new technologies, with a total of 42 competition projects including (industrial) digital twins, manufacturing robots, and cloud computing. Among them, the (industrial) digital twin competition mainly includes four module tasks: digital factory design, virtual debugging of electromechanical transmission control, virtual debugging of industrial robot control, and digital factory joint debugging. It examines students' abilities in industrial system modeling and simulation, software programming development, comprehensive practice, and on-site response, fully demonstrating the rapid development and mature application of digital twin technology in the field of intelligent manufacturing. The top 10 teams in the overall ranking of this competition will be eligible to represent their country and participate in the international competition of this event in South Africa's main competition area.

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