electronics teaching kits

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    DLWD-ETBE-G03 Electronics Teaching Kits Electrical Maintenance Skill Training Cabinet

    This device complies with the content and standards for low-voltage electrical, motor and relay control circuits required by the intermediate maintenance electrician training and assessment skills issued by the Ministry of Labor and Social Security, and can meet the relevant requirements of the vocational skill appraisal for the intermediate maintenance electrician skills assessment Claim. Structural features: 1. The design concept adopts double-sided industrial control electric cabinet, which conforms to the characteristics of electric control, has strong protection function, and the operation part and the control part are arranged separately. 2. There are various instruments on the front of the cabinet door, with three-phase power display area, power supply operation area, and button switch operation area. The back of the cabinet door is equipped with power outlet area and button switch outlet terminals to facilitate the connection with the control part. . 3. There are four experimental hanging boards inside the cabinet, which can be installed independently, and each installation position can be adjusted arbitrarily. It is convenient to operate, easy to replace, expandable functions or develop new training; the selection of operating content is typical and practical. Can conduct secondary innovation experiments; 4. The training cabinet adopts three-phase five-wire access to ensure stable and reliable grounding of the training equipment. 5. The training cabinet can be put into use only with three-phase five-wire AC power supply, and it occupies a small area, saving housing and reducing infrastructure investment; 6. The control circuit and small motor used for skill training can simulate the electric drive system of various machinery in the factory, and can meet the skill training requirements of maintenance electrician's installation, debugging, fault analysis and elimination; 7. The selection of operation content is typical and practical. The training cabinet is equipped with leakage protection, which protects the safety of trainers; 8. All the components are led to the terminals through wires, and students only need to wire on the terminals when wiring, which is beneficial to protect the components;

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